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Shorne won the Green School Award!

Shorne entered the Green School Awards and told them about the Peace and Well-Being Garden we are creating. 

As part of the Beast Creator topic – last year's 5 (current year 6) had to design and plan a garden that would be good for wildlife. That was in maths, when the students discussed it, the children realised it would also benefit those students who wanted a quieter place to spend their break times. So, as part of Literacy, they wrote persuasive letters to Miss Hewett and FOSS asking if part of the field could be used for this and for donations of garden items. Miss Hewett agreed and donations were sent in from parents and staff to make the garden more inviting. The trees and bushes have been cut back to give us the space we wanted and the school council has taken this on with the eco club to bring this project, that came out of the curriculum, into real life. As it is still in the very early stages of development they were thrilled and surprised to hear they had won – They are going to The Ashford International Hotel on 13th February to collect the award. We intend to request funding from FOSS to buy a recycled plastic bench, some gardening gloves, compost etc to take the project forward.

Shorne attended the Green School Awards on Thursday 13th February and won the Dartford and Gravesham award for Health and Well–Being.

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